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My name is Ibrahim Rashid and I am a COVID long-hauler.

I was healthy, athletic, and twenty-three years old with no preexisting conditions when I contracted the coronavirus. Over two years, I battled heart issues, brain fog, debilitating fatigue, and difficulty walking. I lost friends, learned to use a cane, and nearly dropped out of graduate school. I am one of the millions of people who never recovered from the virus. Battling this sickness has been the fight of my life. I almost gave up. 

But I didn’t. I’m still here. 

Today, I am twenty-six years old, and have learned to live with, rather than fight against, this virus. This is my story about finding hope and meaning amidst sickness at a young age. My hope is that it inspires you to do the same.

Available on Paperback or PDF

Cover Illustrated by Margarita Louka